DIGI-DID Centralized network architecture is built around a single server that handles all the major processing. Less powerful workstations connect to the server and submit their requests to the central server rather than performing them directly. This can include applications, data storage, and utilitie

There has Been a constant upgration in technology over the past 20 year and same is required in DID industry. DID operators were looking for IP and Pre-Paid based solution for their DID services. Digi Voip, a leading name in Technology Development have designed (Pre-Paid) IP-PBX software named as DIGI-DID.

This brings an end to expensive Foreign IPPBX (Hardware Products) having lots of limitations. Digi Voip-DID is much smarter and feature packed solution and an advance version of our previous windows based billing software.
  • Major Modules,
  • Features,
  • Accounting